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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

To kill or be killed?

Hi 4 Charity,

As discussed during class earlier, what would you do in a situation where your life is endangered? Would you kill the person who is threatening your life or allow yourself to be killed because you believe that it is wrong to kill another person? I look forward to hear your response.

Ms Teo

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

P4 Integrated Project – Kampong Glam

P4 Integrated Project – Kampong Glam

Part A

Singapore Tourism Board (STB) is facing a problem. Tourists who are visiting Singapore usually do not visit the Malay Heritage Place, Kampong Glam. STB would like to publicise and market Kampong Glam as one of the highlights of Singapore to the tourists. STB is now seeking your help to solve their problem

You are a travel agent of Canossa Travel Agency. You are tasked to advertise the rich heritage of Kampong Glam by creating a poster that highlights the attraction of Kampong Glam and presenting your poster to the management of STB.

Your final product will include:

1. A poster
(a) Create an A4 size poster that shows the various places of attraction of Kampong Glam using ComicLife.
(b) Your poster should be as attractive as possible as your main aim of it is to advertise and highlight the beauty of Kampong Glam so as to attract more people there.

2. Oral Presentation
Present your poster

Phrasal Verbs

Hi 4 Charity,

This is the webpage on phrasal verbs that we looked at in class just now.
Phrasal Verbs

Ms Teo