Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

28 October 2008

Hi 4 Charity,

You have done your research in the library earlier so it’s time for you to share with me what you have found out ☺

You need to work with your partner in writing a short report on the topic you were researching on. If you need to look for more information, you can do Internet searches on www.google.com Your report should have the following points:
• Title of report (Topic)
• A short introduction on what the topic is
• Two or three paragraphs on what you have found out about the topic

Please type out the report as part of your email and send it to me.

After you are done with your report and still have some time left before dismissal, you can play the games or click on any of the weblinks on the class blog. You have to shut down your MacBook and start packing up at 1.10pm. Also, do remember to rearrange your tables and chairs for your exam tomorrow.

Have fun! See you in school on Wednesday.

Ms Teo

Friday, October 24, 2008

Optical Illusions

Hi 4 Charity,

This is the weblink to the optical illusions I showed you in class earlier.

Optical Illusions

Ms Teo

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Old School Website

Dear 4 Charity,

Aren't you just excited about the website we went to today? You get to take online tests, view the answers, learn from your mistakes and retake the tests till you can achieve full marks for the tests! Wow! What a great way to revise for your exams!

I hope that you will make use of this website during the PSLE marking days to revise for your exams.

Send me an email on
(1) the title of the test you took
(2) your score for the test
(3) at least one thing you have learnt from the test

I look forward to receiving your email. Enjoy your elearning at home during the PSLE marking days! :-)

Old School Website - Login

Ms Teo

Monday, October 13, 2008

Practices on Synthesis

Hi 4 Charity,

Are you able to complete all the questions correctly?


Ms Teo

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Examples of Grammar Misuse

Hi 4 Charity,

I was reading this article and found it quite interesting and informative.

Examples of Grammar Misuse

Ms Teo

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's your day!

Hi 4 Charity,

Today's your day so here's a cool website for you to have fun at. Enjoy :-)


Ms Teo