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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Videos on Pitcher Plant and Venus Fly Trap

Here are the youtube videos on Pitcher Plant and Venus Fly Trap

Pitcher Plant
Venus Fly Trap

Please post a comment on what you think of these two plants after you have viewed the videos. I look forward to reading your comment :-)

Ms Teo


Anonymous said...

Comment by: Angelique Tuason

Thank you Ms.Teo for letting us watch the videos. :0 :)

Anonymous said...

Comment By:mengxin
The videos are so intersting.I like it.Thank you Ms.Teo.

Anonymous said...

Comment By:
From that I know the Nature was very magical.

Anonymous said...

Hi!!!Miss Teo!

Miss Teo,I can`t believe that a venus fly trap can even trap the stick that the man showed us!Thank you Miss Teo for letting us watch the video.;>

Anonymous said...

Comment By :wang wen

The two plants tell me more about science's knowledqe.thank you! Ms Teo!