Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Video on Rhythm of the Forest


Angelique sent me the link to the youtube video she edited and uploaded. I thought I would share it with you. Have fun viewing it :-)

Ms Teo

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Game on Idioms

Hi 4 Charity,

I found this game on idioms. I tried it earlier and found it fun. Enjoy :-)

Game on Idioms

Ms Teo

Website on Ren Ci Hospital and the recent news report on Venerable Ming Yi

Dear 4 Charity,

As promised in class earlier.

Ren Ci Hospital website

News report on Venerable Ming Yi

Ms Teo

James and the Giant Peach

Hi 4 Charity,

Below are the links to the trailer of James and the Giant Peach and the write-up of it on Wikipedia.

Trailer of James and the Giant Peach

Write-up of James and the Giant Peach on Wikipedia

Ms Teo

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Task for 2 July 2008 - More on Idioms

Hi 4 Charity,

We talked a little bit about Idioms yesterday and today we'll continue to learn more about them. Your task for this lesson is to get into your groups and choose two or three idioms from the website below and come up with sentences to illustrate how they can be used. At the end of your mini "research", you'll need to enact the scenarios involving the idioms you have chosen to the class so that they can guess the meaning of the idioms from the scenarios. Have fun! :-)

Idiom Connection

Ms Teo

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dear 4 Charity,

These are the weblinks I showed you in class earlier. Have fun learning the meaning of idioms.



English Games

Here's a mini task for you:
Find out the meaning of the idiom "be glad to see the back of" and post your answer as a comment to this blog entry.

Ms Teo
Hi 4 Charity,

This is the website I showed you earlier on David Phillip Vetter.

To view the video clip we saw in class, click on Special Features followed by Footage of David.

Do explore the website as there is a lot of information about David's life, the condition he was in as well as what was done to help him. After exploring the website, pose a comment about what you think/feel. Hope to hear from you soon.

Ms Teo