Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hi 4 Charity,

This is the website I showed you earlier on David Phillip Vetter.

To view the video clip we saw in class, click on Special Features followed by Footage of David.

Do explore the website as there is a lot of information about David's life, the condition he was in as well as what was done to help him. After exploring the website, pose a comment about what you think/feel. Hope to hear from you soon.

Ms Teo


Anonymous said...

comment by:wang wen

I was very sad! ...

Anonymous said...

Comment By:
I felt David was so cute.:)I wanted to wish his family were be good!
NOW I'm wishing-_-111

Anonymous said...

comment by :stephanie ong

I was very sad .....

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Rita Lee

Iwas very sad and I was very seard.