Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

P5 class in 2009

Dear 4 Charity,

You found out about the class you will be going to next year. What are your thoughts about it? How do you feel now?

Ms Teo


shaina said...

im so sad because im going to seprate with all my best friend n teacher ms teo i miss them ok!!!!........

Anonymous said...

I feel so sad because i am in 5 Grace!!!(Sheryl)I feel ok ok!!!(Celine)

shaina said...

i miss all of u

Anonymous said...

I think in P5 it will be more difficult

I felt excited because i will get to know more friends and teachers

Anonymous said...

comment by : wang wen

I felt sad ..

If we are together in the same class 5 Charity !! In my dream ...

hehe .. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Comment by Tippi

I felt extremely sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........

Anonymous said...

I felt happy and scared because i think in P5 it will be more difficult and the teacher will be very fierce

I'm excited because i will get to Know more friends and teachers

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Crish

I feel happy because I will be meeting new people and at the same time I am feeling sad because my classmates and I are gonna be in different classes, we might not see each other again. My thought are: Who will be our new teacher? Who are my new classmates? Is it more difficult in P5? What are the challenges am I gonna face?

Anonymous said...

Comment By:Alyssa Khaling

I felt very sad because i am going to Nepal.

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Hui Ting

I wish that I can go to primary 5 charity next year,but I can't go...
Because Miss Teo already tell us our new primary 5 class...

Anonymous said...

Comment by : Kimberly

I thought that I will have new classmates that I cannot talk to if I'm in P5

I felt extremely sad and happy too.

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Angelique Tuason

I feel very angry,I want to go to humility

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Alyssa Khaling

I am Feeling very upset.And i will miss my friends.I am gonna miss my Parents,Teachers,Principal,Friends.Bye Bye.

Anonymous said...

comment by;saru
I am so sad.My other friends said that it is very hard.I miss you all.I wish my teacher is ms teo Or miss pong.