Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Friday, February 29, 2008

Poetry vs Slam Poetry

Hi 4 Charity,

I was surfing YouTube for slam poetry and as I watched the performances of the slam poets, I thought it is really quite different from my idea of how a poem is recited... Have a look at the following videos and let me know what you think about the performances.

Here are some points which you can consider:
(1) How is slam poetry different from the way poem is traditionally recited?
(2) What can you tell about the attitude of the slam poet/poet from his body language during his performance?
(3) Which of the following performances do you like best? Why?

Totally Like Whatever by Tali Mali
We by Nathan
Zippy Recites a Poem

Hope to see your comment soon. Enjoy :-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Research on Kampong Glam

Dear 4 Charity,

As mentioned to you earlier, we will be going to Kampong Glam in Term 2 and you will be designing a poster on Kampong Glam in your group. The purpose of the poster is to attract tourists to visit Kampong Glam. You will be using Comic Life to create the poster. Below are some weblinks which you can go to to find out more about Kampong Glam. As you look through the websites, list down what you want to include in the poster as part of the business proposal you will be submitting as a group.

Kampong Glam weblink 1
Kampong Glam weblink 2
Kampong Glam weblink 3

A YouTube Video on Kampong Glam

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Little Red Dot - 26 Feb 2008

Tasks for 26 Feb 2008
(1) State your favourite article in Little Red Dot
(2) Explain why that is your favourite article
(3) Look up the meaning of the words on page 13 of Little Red Dot (Fabvocab) on www.dictionary.com and answer the questions. Check your answers with three friends and ask them to write their name at the bottom of the page.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Youth Olympic Games (YOG)

Hi 4 Charity,

Read the following article. You can link to the other websites from the article. After reading, post your thoughts as a comment to this blog entry.

Article on YOG

You may also want to visit Singapore YOG website for more information on YOG.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A youtube video for you

Hi 4 Charity,

Here's the Youtube video I showed you in class earlier. Enjoy it during your break. Remember to study hard for your exams :-)

All the best!


Ms Teo

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

Today's the eve of Chinese New Year. What would you like to say to the class? :-)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Unit 3: Dinosaurs and Fossils

Hello 4 Charity,

We've looked at how fossils are formed earlier in class. Now, let's take look at a short video http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/dinosaurplanet/video/video.html

What do you think causes dinosaurs to become extinct?

Take a look at the following videos about frogs.

After you have viewed the videos, post a comment to this blog entry on
(1) 3 things you learnt about frogs
(2) 2 facts about frogs that you find interesting
(3) 1 question about frogs that you would like answered