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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Little Red Dot - 26 Feb 2008

Tasks for 26 Feb 2008
(1) State your favourite article in Little Red Dot
(2) Explain why that is your favourite article
(3) Look up the meaning of the words on page 13 of Little Red Dot (Fabvocab) on www.dictionary.com and answer the questions. Check your answers with three friends and ask them to write their name at the bottom of the page.


Anonymous said...

My artical is from the Health Promotion Board.
The title is:What Should Be On My Plate?
I know you will be asking why well,it will be because those people who wrote this artical says that you must eat healthy food such as:fruits and vegetables.And thats the end of the artical.Hope you enjoy reading it!Goodbye!

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Crish Ama

My favorite article in the newspaper(Little Red Dot)is:


I like it because:
#2 When i hear it or read it in the newspaper I feel very happy and proud for Singapore...
I feel elated on watching the YOG this coming 2010.....

Anonymous said...

kimberly's comment
1. The article that i want is the game plan known as YOG.
2. I like it because if I hear it I feel proud and happy for Singapore,and I feel elated in the coming of YOG.

Anonymous said...

Isabel's Comment:

(1) The article i like most is the game plan known as youth olimpic games...

I like it because i feel proud about Singapore...

I feel elated for the coming youth olimpic games...

(2) This is my favourite article because it makes Singapore proud to host the coming youth olimpic game...

Anonymous said...

(1)I like the COOL KIDS on page 11.

(2)I like them because some of the girls can do spilt on ice.

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Hui Ting
my favourite article is Little
red dot >> Because Little red dot
is interesting and colourful
pictures on it.
I enjoy looking on the newspaper.
So that it is very fun.

Anonymous said...

(1)I like the hamster very much.
(2)I like the hamster very much because it is very cute.

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Angelique Tuason☺

My 1st Favorite Article is Dodo birds gone forever
on page 13.

Because Dodo birds were gone forever and humans made them extinct.

My 2nd Favorite Article is The Game Plan because Singapore I feel happy and elated on watching the YOG this coming 2010.....

Anonymous said...

comment by:Nurfaela

My favourite article in the newspaper{little red dot}is

GAME PLAN{yog}={youth olimpic games}+becuase of the women'gymnastics team{from left}Nur atikah,,tabitah tay,nicole tay,sarah ng,nazyra and lim heem wei,triumphant at the 2007 sea games

Anonymous said...

HOW TO BE HEALTY.TO be healty is to eat healty food is:vegtable,carrots,banana,orange,cheese,or others too!I love too eat all those fruits and vegetable.

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Mengxin
(1)My favourite article in Little Red Dot was "See their true colours"
(2)From it I know many animals'colours.(I never seen them before)That was very fun.
(3)Flightless:incapable of flying
Uninhabited:not having inhabitants
Dwindling:gradually decreasing until little remains / a becoming gradually less
Reputation:notoriety for some particular characteristic
Ornithologist:a zoologist who studies birds
Extinct: no longer in existence

Anonymous said...

comment by:Chan Hsuan

(1)My favourite article is "Game Plan".

(2)I like it because it is interesting and it let me become very exciting about the Youth Olympic Games at 2010 at Singapore.

(3) 1.Flightless:Unable to fly
2.Uninhabited:Not lived on
3.Dwindling:Becoming smaller
4.Reputation:Lack of popularity
5.Ornithologist:A scientist who studies birds.
6.Extinct:When none of a particular animal is left.

Anonymous said...

comment by stef

1)my favorite article in little red dot is in the page 3 the big on health

2)because it show you what should you it to make you healhty!

Anonymous said...

comment by saru
1]my favorites artical is cool kids.they colud in ice. to be sure skating is not for the faint hearted.it takes alot of conentration.

Anonymous said...

svnxrcomment by:Rita

My favourite article is Dodo bird gone forever on page 13.

Anonymous said...

comment by:tippi
(1)I like the "Cool kids." on page 11.
(2)because i like to watch people skat.

Anonymous said...

sri priya 4 charity
Endangered animals in asia dhole
An Asian species of wild dog,the Dhole can kill animals up to 10 times its size,often forcing its prey into water.

Anonymous said...

jacinta 4 charity
my artical is about endangered animals in asia it is the Dhole I pick this artical because i love it

Anonymous said...

Comment by:alyssa

My favourite article is biodiversity in danger.It is my favourite article beacause it is very hurting and very painful.

having no fear:let me show you how
i stopped my panic and anxiety attacks.

an opinion of someone:does your opinion of someone change if you find out they have a mental illness.

Anonymous said...

comment by:nurul nazurah

(1)my favourite article is "cool kids"

(2)i like it because it is interesting,cool ,exciting and i think they have alot of fun!!!!!