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Thursday, August 21, 2008

CCPS Superstar

Hi 4 Charity,

CCPS Superstar will be held next Term! Do you think you have a talent that you want to show off in front of the school? Well, here's your chance! More details below.

Rules & Regulations
• This competition is open to all P1-P5 pupils in our school.
• Participants can choose from 3 categories to participate.
• Participants can choose to perform individually or in groups (max 8 pax).
• Participants are to provide their own costumes.
• For the grand finals, judges’ scores will constitute 50% of the marks. The remaining 50% will come from pupils’ votes.
• The winner from each category will receive a $50 voucher and a trophy each.
• All finalists will receive a trophy each.
• All class champions will receive a certificate of achievement.

• Song must be performed in English language.
• Song Duration: no more than 5 minutes
• Participants are to bring their own minus one sound track (Karaoke track).

Judging Criteria (100%)
• Singing Technique (25%) – articulation, dynamics, rhythm, diction
• Sound Quality (25%) – Intonation, tone
• Musicianship (25%) – Expression, interpretation, style, phrasing
• Showmanship (25%)

• Piece Duration: no more than 5 minutes
• Participants are to bring their own instrument. Only piano will be provided.

Judging Criteria (100%)
• Technique (25%) – technical control of instrument, intonation
• Musicality (25%) – Expression, phrasing, sensitivity
• Range of technical and musical skills demonstrated (25%)
• Showmanship (25%)

• Piece Duration: no more than 5 minutes
• Participants are to provide their own accompanying CD

Judging Criteria (100%)
• Choreography (25%)
• Coordination (25%)
• Creativity (25%)
• Showmanship (25%)

Hope to see you perform during the competition! :-)


Anonymous said...

comment by : wang wen

I hope our class will have a superstar.....

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Angelique
"Go 4 charity GO" yay!!!!

Anonymous said...

commen by: Rita

I hope that our class will win a prize.:D

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Angelique

I think I want to join the CCPS superstar.

Anonymous said...

Comment By: Crish

"Go 4 Charity"

Anonymous said...

I wanted to join but I don't know how to sing nor dance. So, I will just love to watch the performers, instead. Good luck to those aspiring CCPS superstar!

Anonymous said...

comment by kimberly

I hope our superstars will win.

Anonymous said...

Comments by: Syahirah

I wanted to JOIN CCPS superstar because i want to dance very well !!!
i want 4 charity to win

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Syahirah

I wanted to JOIN CCPS superstar because i want to dance very well !!!



Anonymous said...

comment by : kristina

i hope that our class super star will win the competition :)

Anonymous said...

comment by:Chan Hsuan

I hope 4 Charity will win the "CCPS Superstar"!Go 4 Charity~~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Sheryl

Hi 4 charity! I hope that you will win the "CCPS Superstar"!~~~~~~

Anonymous said...

Actually i wanted to join the superstar last year but when i am practicing i relize that i am afraid to dance on the stage.So i told Isabel that i am afraid to dance on stage.This year no one ask me to join so i am ...................not afraid this time.

Anonymous said...

comment by: stephanie

I hope that our class will win the prize.:D

" Go p4 charity Go''

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Crish

"Go 4 Charity."
I hope Charity will be in the finals and perform on stage.

Anonymous said...

comment by : Wang Wen


Anonymous said...

comment by: Saru and nurul nazurah

we don't want to join CCPS Superstar.........Saru said she want to join CCPS Superstar but she don't want because she feel shy! hehe. I just heard Saru sang a song.I wonder what song she singing!