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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lesson on Tessellation

Hi 4 Charity,

View the lesson on Tessellation on ASKNLearn and tell me what tessellation is :-)

Ms Teo


Anonymous said...

Comment by :Kimberly

Tessellation is covering a surface with the repeated shape without overlapping and without leaving any gaps.

Anonymous said...

comment by:Angelique Tuason

A Tessallation

A tessellation is created when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a plane without any gaps or overlaps.

Anonymous said...

Comment by : Crish

Tessalation is a pattern that keeps repeating. Tessalation is covering a surface without gaps and without overlaps. Tessalation must have a motif or a basic unit shape that is repeated.

Anonymous said...

comment by : wang wen

Tessellation no overlap,no gaps and motif ...