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Monday, August 18, 2008

Symmetrical figures

Hi 4 Charity,

These are some of the pictures you took today. Do you think all are symmetrical? Which are symmetrical and which are not?

Ms Teo


Anonymous said...

Comment by:Angelique Tuason
Photo 3 (butterfly) is not symmetrical because the otherside of wings have 3 dots but the otherside have only 2.

Anonymous said...

No,the car wheel is not symmetrical and i'll try to look out for more

Anonymous said...

the ground at the basket ball court is not symmetrical because the jagged part is not equal.

Anonymous said...

stephanie ong

butterfly and 3 dots

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Angelique Tuason

Photo 3 (the mosque) it is not symmetrical figure because the moon on the right side doesn't have but the left side have.

Anonymous said...

COMMENT BY:Alyssa khaling

Photo three is not symmetrical beacause the wings have three dots.

Anonymous said...

comment by:Rita

3dog and butterfly.

Anonymous said...

The car wheel is not symmetrical, cause there is something on the other half of it and the does not have on the other side...

The butterfly is not symmetrical,
cause the other wing is longer and side of itthe other does not have the same length

Anonymous said...

Comment by: Crish

I think the two things that are not symmetrical are the towers and the butterfly.

The tower is not symmertrical shape because the other side of the tower has a moon and the other side has a star. The butterfly is not a symmetrical shape because one side of the wing is longer than the other side.

Anonymous said...

comment by: Chan Hsuan

Photo 3 (Tower) is not a symmetrical because on top of the tower,there is a star in the middle and a moon at the left side,but there is no moon on the right side. Photo 6 (butterfly) is not a symmetrical because on the wall the colours are different.

Anonymous said...

Comment By:
1)The tolied bowl is not symmetrical,because if I fold it into half.they are not the same.

2)The mosque is not symmetrical,because if I fold it into half.they are not the same.

Anonymous said...

comment by:Nurfaela

the one which is not syemmetrical is the drain because it has a hole on one side but not on the other.

the tower is not symmetrical also because one of the side has a moon while the other has a star.

Anonymous said...

Comment By:
1)The tolied bowl is not symmetrical,because if I fold it into half.they are not the same.

2)The mosque is not symmetrical,because if I fold it into half.they are not the same.

Anonymous said...

Comment by Kimberly

The butterfly and the tower with a moon on top .They are not a symmetrical figures because if I fold it into half it will not be the same size.

Anonymous said...

comment said by:SHERYL

photo 3 (tower) is not a symmetrical because if cut into half you will not get the same.

photo 6 (butterfly)is not a symmetrical because the square have different color.

Anonymous said...

Comment by:wang wen

(1) The butterfly is not symmetrical because their wing no the same!

(2)The wheel is not symmetrical because the wheel's beside got a dot!

Anonymous said...

hi ms teo,

not all are symmetrical only picture 3 is not because there is no moon at the other side.

Anonymous said...

Comment by:wang wen

(1) The butterfly is not symmetrical because their wing no the same!

(2)The wheel is not symmetrical because the wheel's beside got a dot!

Anonymous said...

The (Butterfly)is not symmetrical because the otherside of wings have 3 dots but the otherside have only 2.

The floor is not symmetrical because the side is not the same size and it almost like a triangular.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.Teo,

Did you know that our group took the pond?(The one on the pond,which is the one with the circle)I wonder who took the toiletbowl.Jasmine took the toiletpaper cover,I thougt you will put up the photo Jasmine took.Hope you like the photos I took,see you! By:Chui Lei

Anonymous said...

I think the third picture is not symmetrical because on the left side there are two dots and on the right side there are three dots.May i ask you why didn't you paste all the photos we have token?

Anonymous said...

HI ms teo,

the floor isn't sematrical , flag the dustbin in the echo garden is not a sematrical n the car wheel is not a a sematrical only the wall n the dustbin in the canteen only


shaina yam

Anonymous said...

comment by: Syahirah

The mosque is not symmetrical because it has a moon and a star

The cup is not symmetrical because there is only hande

The butterfly is not symmetrical because the feelers are not the same

The red flag is not symmetrical because the triangle cannot fold

Anonymous said...

comment by :Jasmine

the rubishbin is not symmetrical ca
cause you cannot cut what is in it
and the butterfly is not symmetrical cause on one side it has 3 dots while on the other side it only has 2 dots.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.Teo,

I think the butterfly is not symmetrical because one half of the butterfly's wing have only 2 dots and the other have 3 dots...
And there is a picture that is not clear(not clear what the photographer want to show).While you are reading this message I will look out fou more unsymmetrical things...

Anonymous said...

Dear:Miss Teo,

Photo 3(butterfly) is not symmetrical because the otherside of wings have 3 dots but the otherside have only 2 so the butterfly is not symmetrical.

sri priya

Anonymous said...

the floor is not symmetrical because if it cut into half the other side will not be the same.the drain is not symmetrical because the other is not the same.

Anonymous said...

Photo 3(the butterfly photo)is not a symmetrical because one side of the wing has two dots and the other side has three dots.

Pei Wen

Anonymous said...

comment by;saru
the ground at the basketball court is not a symmetrical.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms.Teo

The butterfly picture is not symmetrical because the wings have diffrent amount dots in the other wings.
