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Monday, September 15, 2008

Picture Discussion

Dear 4 Charity,

We've just had a lesson on Picture Discussion. Together with your partner, discuss the followings and post a comment to this blog entry:
(1) 3 things we learnt about Picture Discussion
(2) 2 phrases we can use during Picture Discussion
(3) 1 question we would like to ask regarding Picture Discussion

Ms Teo


Anonymous said...

Comment By : Crish and Syahirah

1) The things that we learned from picture discussions are:
* Reading with clear and loud voice.
* Reading the words clearly.
* To describe the pictures more.

2) The two phrases that we can use during the picture discussion are:
* The butcher is selling meat.
* The fish mongol is selling fish.

3) The question that we would like to ask regarding picture discussion is:
* What is the grading criteria of the picture discussion?

Anonymous said...

comment by : Tippi and Kristina

1)we learn how to talk about the picture in the picture discussion.

2)we learn how to use new words on the picture.

3)we learn how to discuss the picture together .

Anonymous said...

comment by Saru and Kimberly

First we learn to read properly.
Second we learn to read new words.
Third we learn that we must read the end consonant.

Anonymous said...

comment by : Hui Ting and Wang wen

3 things:

(1)we must said loudly
(2)we must pronouns properly
(3)we must try to pronouns difficult words.

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Rebekah and Chui Lei

(1)The 3 things we learned about the Picture Discussion is:The Consequences,the factual and the opinions.
(2)The 2 phrases are:(i)The man who is stealing the lady's wallet is a pickpocket.(ii)The butcher is friendly person.

Anonymous said...

1)Pair work,explaining properly and practice more.

2) Say the words properly aND PRONOUNCE THE WORDS properly

3) What do you think the characters feels about what happened or what they did?

Anonymous said...

Comment by Tania & Nurul

We learn that we must pronouns the word correctly,We should say our opinion that we know and we also learn that we must say "This is a picture of ...."

Anonymous said...

Comment By:Alyssa and Angelique

We learnt about Picture Disussion are
1)use new words(butcher,fishmonger)
2)The teacher must understand what are we talking about.
3)how to read clockwise and anticlockwise.

Anonymous said...

Commet by : Sheryl and Jessica

(1)Factual,opinion,and describe

(2)-The top right hand corner,I can see
-I think...
-In my opinion

Anonymous said...

comment by:stephanie and Rita

1)Do not like pickpocket to steaning thing form people.

2)Fishmonger is loud.


Anonymous said...

ms Teo,

3 things we learn about picture discussion is:
(1)about the place.
(2)what is it about.
(3)is it right or wrong.

sri priya pei wen