Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Friday, September 12, 2008

Read, read, read!

Hi 4 Charity,

Your Oral Exam is on coming Wednesday and Thursday. Do practice your reading at home. Just pick up any newspaper article, storybook, textbook etc and "read away" :-)

Remember to take note of the following while reading:
(1) pronounce the end consonants such as "d", "t", "s" and "k"
(2) pause at commas and full-stops
(3) vary your tone i.e. read in such a manner that the person listening to your reading will not fall asleep

We'll continue with recording your reading and picture discussion next week. Have a good weekend!

Ms Teo


Anonymous said...

comment by : Crish

I am very scared! I hope everyone in 4 Charity we'll have a good grade.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

comment by: Wang Wen

I just said:"Good luck!"

hehe ...

Anonymous said...

Comment by:Hui Ting

I wish myself can do the best don't lost to them.

Anonymous said...

comment by:Rita

i am very scared!I hope my Oral Exam will get a high make