Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi 4 Charity,

The activity in class earlier was really fun! As I marked your work, you've shown that you understand what tessellation is :-) Below are two websites where you can have a go at creating more tessellations. Have fun!


Tessellation Town

Ms Teo


Anonymous said...

comment by kimberly

The Tessellation Town is very fun to learn it because we can create many tessellations.

Anonymous said...

Ms.Teo,I find Tessellation fun!I like tessellation town best!Thanks 4 putting this game!Bye!Bye!

Anonymous said...

comment by : wang wen

The Tessellation Town let me know more about Tessellation ..

Anonymous said...

Tessalation town is so fun. I liked the tessalation town. Thank you for posting this game Ms Teo.

Anonymous said...

comment by:nurfaela

I know it already it is so easy and so fun thank you for putting it up!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

comment by:nurfaela

I know it already it is so easy and so fun thank you for putting it up!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Comment By:

It was very helpful for us.
Thank you!ms teo!