Welcome to 4 Charity Class Blog

Wednesday, December 10, 2008



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Saturday, December 6, 2008

As 2008 comes to an end...

Hi 4 Charity,

The year is coming to an end. Soon, you'll start your new year in a new class. But, before you move on to the exciting 2009, do take some time to reflect on 2008. What are some of the happy moments? What are some things you have done or said that you wish you never had? Who are the people who have made a difference in your life this year? More importantly, whose life have you touched?

Here's a video that someone shared with me and I'd like to share it with you. It helps me to think about who I really am and what I want in life. How about you?

Lyrics - "Reflections" taken from the movie Mulan (part of the song)

Look at me.
I will never pass for a perfect bride or a perfect daughter.
Can it be, I’m not meant to play this part?
Now I see, if I were truly to be myself,
I will break my family’s heart.

Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don’t know?

Somehow I cannot hide,
Who I am, though I’ve tried.
When will my reflection show who I am, inside?
When will my reflection show who I am, inside?

Ms Teo

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


You are not going to believe this but... I do not know how to add in blogskin.... :-p

Can someone email me and teach me how to?

Ms Teo

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Interesting video


I was surfing the Internet and came across this video. Are you able to guess what the person is drawing before the end of the video? Enjoy :-)

Ms Teo

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

P5 class in 2009

Dear 4 Charity,

You found out about the class you will be going to next year. What are your thoughts about it? How do you feel now?

Ms Teo


Hi 4 Charity,

You've watched Homerun earlier and I can see from your reactions during the show that it has made you both happy and sad. Below are some questions that I want you to discuss with your partner and post your answers as a response to this blog entry.

(1) How is friendship demonstrated in the movie?
(2) Who are the characters you like/dislike. Why?
(3) What are some things in life that you have taken for granted and what can you now do to better appreciate what you have?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Ms Teo

Friday, November 7, 2008

I've watched this movie. Have you?

I watched High School Musical 3 last week. Have you?

I like this movie because...

Something I learnt from this movie is...

Yan Chun

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

28 October 2008

Hi 4 Charity,

You have done your research in the library earlier so it’s time for you to share with me what you have found out ☺

You need to work with your partner in writing a short report on the topic you were researching on. If you need to look for more information, you can do Internet searches on www.google.com Your report should have the following points:
• Title of report (Topic)
• A short introduction on what the topic is
• Two or three paragraphs on what you have found out about the topic

Please type out the report as part of your email and send it to me.

After you are done with your report and still have some time left before dismissal, you can play the games or click on any of the weblinks on the class blog. You have to shut down your MacBook and start packing up at 1.10pm. Also, do remember to rearrange your tables and chairs for your exam tomorrow.

Have fun! See you in school on Wednesday.

Ms Teo

Friday, October 24, 2008

Optical Illusions

Hi 4 Charity,

This is the weblink to the optical illusions I showed you in class earlier.

Optical Illusions

Ms Teo

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Old School Website

Dear 4 Charity,

Aren't you just excited about the website we went to today? You get to take online tests, view the answers, learn from your mistakes and retake the tests till you can achieve full marks for the tests! Wow! What a great way to revise for your exams!

I hope that you will make use of this website during the PSLE marking days to revise for your exams.

Send me an email on
(1) the title of the test you took
(2) your score for the test
(3) at least one thing you have learnt from the test

I look forward to receiving your email. Enjoy your elearning at home during the PSLE marking days! :-)

Old School Website - Login

Ms Teo

Monday, October 13, 2008

Practices on Synthesis

Hi 4 Charity,

Are you able to complete all the questions correctly?


Ms Teo

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Examples of Grammar Misuse

Hi 4 Charity,

I was reading this article and found it quite interesting and informative.

Examples of Grammar Misuse

Ms Teo

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's your day!

Hi 4 Charity,

Today's your day so here's a cool website for you to have fun at. Enjoy :-)


Ms Teo

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

International Peace Day

Hi 4 Charity,

I enjoyed the discussion we had on moral dilemmas. Life's decisions may not be easy and there are many times when we disgree with one another on issues that are close to our hearts. Though we may be different, we can and still need to respect one another's differences and decisions. Below are the website and video I showed you in class earlier.

International Peace Day Website

Video on history of International Peace Day

Ms Teo

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun and educational website!

Hi 4 Charity,

This is the website that you read about yesterday in Little Red Dot. Learning can be fun! Tell the class which is your favourite component of the website by posting a comment to this blog entry.

4Kids website

Ms Teo

Monday, September 15, 2008

Picture Discussion

Dear 4 Charity,

We've just had a lesson on Picture Discussion. Together with your partner, discuss the followings and post a comment to this blog entry:
(1) 3 things we learnt about Picture Discussion
(2) 2 phrases we can use during Picture Discussion
(3) 1 question we would like to ask regarding Picture Discussion

Ms Teo

Friday, September 12, 2008

Read, read, read!

Hi 4 Charity,

Your Oral Exam is on coming Wednesday and Thursday. Do practice your reading at home. Just pick up any newspaper article, storybook, textbook etc and "read away" :-)

Remember to take note of the following while reading:
(1) pronounce the end consonants such as "d", "t", "s" and "k"
(2) pause at commas and full-stops
(3) vary your tone i.e. read in such a manner that the person listening to your reading will not fall asleep

We'll continue with recording your reading and picture discussion next week. Have a good weekend!

Ms Teo

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Online Quiz

Dear 4 Charity,

Please take part in this online quiz to learn more about the various traditions and cultures in Singapore. The top 20 scorers stand to win attractive prizes.

Online Quiz

Have fun!

Ms Teo

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Rainbow Connection

Hi 4 Charity,

Someone shared with me this song many years ago and I find it meaningful. Listen to the song and post a comment on the following:
(1) Do you think it's a sad or a happy song? Why?
(2) What do you think "Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
and rainbows have nothing to hide" mean?

If you need help in finding the meaning to the difficult words, you can make use of www.dictionary.com to help you.

Lyrics to "Rainbow Connection"

Why are there so many songs about rainbows
and what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
and rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

Who said that every wish would be heard
and answered when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that and someone believed it.
Look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing
and what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

All of us under its spell. We know that it's probably magic.

Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that called the young sailors.
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.


Hi 4 Charity,

The activity in class earlier was really fun! As I marked your work, you've shown that you understand what tessellation is :-) Below are two websites where you can have a go at creating more tessellations. Have fun!


Tessellation Town

Ms Teo

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Manga Drawing

Hi 4 Charity,

I was surfing the Internet and came across a video on Manga Drawing. Take a look at the video and try doing some manga drawings this holiday :-)

Ms Teo

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lesson on Tessellation

Hi 4 Charity,

View the lesson on Tessellation on ASKNLearn and tell me what tessellation is :-)

Ms Teo

Thursday, August 21, 2008

CCPS Superstar

Hi 4 Charity,

CCPS Superstar will be held next Term! Do you think you have a talent that you want to show off in front of the school? Well, here's your chance! More details below.

Rules & Regulations
• This competition is open to all P1-P5 pupils in our school.
• Participants can choose from 3 categories to participate.
• Participants can choose to perform individually or in groups (max 8 pax).
• Participants are to provide their own costumes.
• For the grand finals, judges’ scores will constitute 50% of the marks. The remaining 50% will come from pupils’ votes.
• The winner from each category will receive a $50 voucher and a trophy each.
• All finalists will receive a trophy each.
• All class champions will receive a certificate of achievement.

• Song must be performed in English language.
• Song Duration: no more than 5 minutes
• Participants are to bring their own minus one sound track (Karaoke track).

Judging Criteria (100%)
• Singing Technique (25%) – articulation, dynamics, rhythm, diction
• Sound Quality (25%) – Intonation, tone
• Musicianship (25%) – Expression, interpretation, style, phrasing
• Showmanship (25%)

• Piece Duration: no more than 5 minutes
• Participants are to bring their own instrument. Only piano will be provided.

Judging Criteria (100%)
• Technique (25%) – technical control of instrument, intonation
• Musicality (25%) – Expression, phrasing, sensitivity
• Range of technical and musical skills demonstrated (25%)
• Showmanship (25%)

• Piece Duration: no more than 5 minutes
• Participants are to provide their own accompanying CD

Judging Criteria (100%)
• Choreography (25%)
• Coordination (25%)
• Creativity (25%)
• Showmanship (25%)

Hope to see you perform during the competition! :-)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Let's vote for Ms Josephine Tan! :-)

YoHi 4 Charity,

You love the PE programmes that Ms Tan has planned for you, right? Here's a chance to show her your support! Vote for her at Step With It Website

Ms Teo

Monday, August 18, 2008

Symmetrical figures

Hi 4 Charity,

These are some of the pictures you took today. Do you think all are symmetrical? Which are symmetrical and which are not?

Ms Teo

Friday, August 15, 2008

Answers to Math practice paper

Dear 4 Charity,

I'll not be posting the answers on the blog. When you have completed the paper, send me an email and I'll forward the answers to you.

Ms Teo

Fractions - a story told by a Japanese man

Hi 4 Charity,

I found this on Youtube. It's an interesting way of "explaining" numerator, denominator, improper fraction and mixed number. Watch it and see if you understand what the Japanese man is saying :-)

Ms Teo

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nouns and Verbs

Hi 4 Charity,

Just in case you are taking a break from studying and looking for videos to entertain yourself, try this video on nouns and verbs :-)

Ms Teo

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happiness vs Joy

Hello 4 Charity,

You asked me to create some happiness for you in class last week. Well, I don't think I can "create" happiness for anyone. However, I have a video on finding joy to share with you. I hope that you'll find your way to having joy in life by creating it for yourself. Do share with me your thoughts on the video and which quotation you like.

Finding Joy Video

Ms Teo

Friday, August 8, 2008

English Quiz on ASKNLearn portal

Hi 4 Charity,

I created a quiz for you on ASKNLearn. Please attempt the quiz by Monday. To take the quiz, logon to ASKNLearn, select "QUIZ" and then click on "Tenses".

Ms Teo

Answers for Review 1 (MPH English Homework Book)

Hi 4 Charity,

Here are the answers for review 1. Email me to let me know your score for the review and to clarify any item/s that you are unclear of (especially for open-ended comprehension). See you in school on Tuesday and Happy National Day :-)

Page 25

Page 26-27
Q1)The young man was quite silly/inquisitive/curious.
Q2)He wanted to look in his ear with his eye.
Q3)No, I do not think it would be possible.
Q4)He planned to stretch very tight until he could look in his own ear.
Q5)The words are "You never can tell till you try!"

Page 28-29

Page 30

Page 31

Page 32-33

Page 34

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Video on Rhythm of the Forest


Angelique sent me the link to the youtube video she edited and uploaded. I thought I would share it with you. Have fun viewing it :-)

Ms Teo

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Game on Idioms

Hi 4 Charity,

I found this game on idioms. I tried it earlier and found it fun. Enjoy :-)

Game on Idioms

Ms Teo

Website on Ren Ci Hospital and the recent news report on Venerable Ming Yi

Dear 4 Charity,

As promised in class earlier.

Ren Ci Hospital website

News report on Venerable Ming Yi

Ms Teo

James and the Giant Peach

Hi 4 Charity,

Below are the links to the trailer of James and the Giant Peach and the write-up of it on Wikipedia.

Trailer of James and the Giant Peach

Write-up of James and the Giant Peach on Wikipedia

Ms Teo

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Task for 2 July 2008 - More on Idioms

Hi 4 Charity,

We talked a little bit about Idioms yesterday and today we'll continue to learn more about them. Your task for this lesson is to get into your groups and choose two or three idioms from the website below and come up with sentences to illustrate how they can be used. At the end of your mini "research", you'll need to enact the scenarios involving the idioms you have chosen to the class so that they can guess the meaning of the idioms from the scenarios. Have fun! :-)

Idiom Connection

Ms Teo

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dear 4 Charity,

These are the weblinks I showed you in class earlier. Have fun learning the meaning of idioms.



English Games

Here's a mini task for you:
Find out the meaning of the idiom "be glad to see the back of" and post your answer as a comment to this blog entry.

Ms Teo
Hi 4 Charity,

This is the website I showed you earlier on David Phillip Vetter.

To view the video clip we saw in class, click on Special Features followed by Footage of David.

Do explore the website as there is a lot of information about David's life, the condition he was in as well as what was done to help him. After exploring the website, pose a comment about what you think/feel. Hope to hear from you soon.

Ms Teo

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Decimals Game

Hi 4 Charity,

We'll be starting school next week! Are you excited? Well, I am! I was searching for games on Decimals, the first Math topic we'll be covering in Term 3, and I found this game. Oh, it would help you in playing this game if you log onto your ASKNLearn account primary.asknlearn.com to view the lesson on Decimals first ;-)

Have fun!!!

Decimals Game

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Online stories

Dear 4 Charity,

How has your holiday been so far? I trust that you've had a lot of fun and had learnt many interesting facts around you, haven't you? You can consider writing them down in your letters to your classmates and put them in the mail pouches next week when you get back to school ;-)

Anyway, I was surfing the Internet and found some online stories. Have fun reading them :-) See you in school!

Online stories

Ms Teo

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hi 4 Charity,

Can you find yourself in the comic strip?

I enjoyed the presentation you did on Kampong Glam. Some of you are natural presenters :-) For your next presentation, do take note of the volume of your voice, eye contact with the audience and not to read off the chart/script throughout the presentation, ok? You can practice your presentation skills in front of your family or a mirror during the school holidays.

Remember to complete your holiday assignments too! Have fun :-)

Ms Teo

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Using Geoboard to create shapes


This is the link I showed you in class earlier. You can use the Geoboard to create shapes. Have fun!

Math Digital Manipulative

Ms Teo

P/S: Remember to study for your exams

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Share what you have read! :-)

Choose a book you have read from the class library and share about
(1) your favourite character in the book
(2) the most exciting part of the book

Rate the book too!
(How many stars out of ten would you give the book?)

Ms Teo

Videos on Pitcher Plant and Venus Fly Trap

Here are the youtube videos on Pitcher Plant and Venus Fly Trap

Pitcher Plant
Venus Fly Trap

Please post a comment on what you think of these two plants after you have viewed the videos. I look forward to reading your comment :-)

Ms Teo

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tag questions

Hi 4 Charity,

I found this online quiz on tag questions. Have fun :-)

Online quiz on tag questions

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

To kill or be killed?

Hi 4 Charity,

As discussed during class earlier, what would you do in a situation where your life is endangered? Would you kill the person who is threatening your life or allow yourself to be killed because you believe that it is wrong to kill another person? I look forward to hear your response.

Ms Teo

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

P4 Integrated Project – Kampong Glam

P4 Integrated Project – Kampong Glam

Part A

Singapore Tourism Board (STB) is facing a problem. Tourists who are visiting Singapore usually do not visit the Malay Heritage Place, Kampong Glam. STB would like to publicise and market Kampong Glam as one of the highlights of Singapore to the tourists. STB is now seeking your help to solve their problem

You are a travel agent of Canossa Travel Agency. You are tasked to advertise the rich heritage of Kampong Glam by creating a poster that highlights the attraction of Kampong Glam and presenting your poster to the management of STB.

Your final product will include:

1. A poster
(a) Create an A4 size poster that shows the various places of attraction of Kampong Glam using ComicLife.
(b) Your poster should be as attractive as possible as your main aim of it is to advertise and highlight the beauty of Kampong Glam so as to attract more people there.

2. Oral Presentation
Present your poster

Phrasal Verbs

Hi 4 Charity,

This is the webpage on phrasal verbs that we looked at in class just now.
Phrasal Verbs

Ms Teo

Friday, February 29, 2008

Poetry vs Slam Poetry

Hi 4 Charity,

I was surfing YouTube for slam poetry and as I watched the performances of the slam poets, I thought it is really quite different from my idea of how a poem is recited... Have a look at the following videos and let me know what you think about the performances.

Here are some points which you can consider:
(1) How is slam poetry different from the way poem is traditionally recited?
(2) What can you tell about the attitude of the slam poet/poet from his body language during his performance?
(3) Which of the following performances do you like best? Why?

Totally Like Whatever by Tali Mali
We by Nathan
Zippy Recites a Poem

Hope to see your comment soon. Enjoy :-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Research on Kampong Glam

Dear 4 Charity,

As mentioned to you earlier, we will be going to Kampong Glam in Term 2 and you will be designing a poster on Kampong Glam in your group. The purpose of the poster is to attract tourists to visit Kampong Glam. You will be using Comic Life to create the poster. Below are some weblinks which you can go to to find out more about Kampong Glam. As you look through the websites, list down what you want to include in the poster as part of the business proposal you will be submitting as a group.

Kampong Glam weblink 1
Kampong Glam weblink 2
Kampong Glam weblink 3

A YouTube Video on Kampong Glam

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Little Red Dot - 26 Feb 2008

Tasks for 26 Feb 2008
(1) State your favourite article in Little Red Dot
(2) Explain why that is your favourite article
(3) Look up the meaning of the words on page 13 of Little Red Dot (Fabvocab) on www.dictionary.com and answer the questions. Check your answers with three friends and ask them to write their name at the bottom of the page.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Youth Olympic Games (YOG)

Hi 4 Charity,

Read the following article. You can link to the other websites from the article. After reading, post your thoughts as a comment to this blog entry.

Article on YOG

You may also want to visit Singapore YOG website for more information on YOG.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A youtube video for you

Hi 4 Charity,

Here's the Youtube video I showed you in class earlier. Enjoy it during your break. Remember to study hard for your exams :-)

All the best!


Ms Teo

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

Today's the eve of Chinese New Year. What would you like to say to the class? :-)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Unit 3: Dinosaurs and Fossils

Hello 4 Charity,

We've looked at how fossils are formed earlier in class. Now, let's take look at a short video http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/dinosaurplanet/video/video.html

What do you think causes dinosaurs to become extinct?

Take a look at the following videos about frogs.

After you have viewed the videos, post a comment to this blog entry on
(1) 3 things you learnt about frogs
(2) 2 facts about frogs that you find interesting
(3) 1 question about frogs that you would like answered